Automotive Connectors
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汽车连接器 Automotive Connector 随着传统汽车智能化和车联网的发展,车载连接器的应用也越来越多,特思嘉提供汽车OBD连接器具外观质量高,接触稳定等特点,其主要应用于企业管车、4S店、汽车维修站、汽车保养、汽车保险、交通运输等行业。 With the development of traditional automotive more intelligence and Internet of Vehicles, the application of on-board connectors became more and more widely. TXGA can provide the automotive OBD connectors with high quality, stable contact property, it is used to 4S stores, auto repair shop, vehicle maintenance, automobile insurance, transportation and so on. Diab OBD连接器 Diab OBD connector Socket Plug Cable plug