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微D形连接器 Micro-D Connector 采用精密型设计,体积约为标准D形连接器的50%,可有效节省安装空间,为紧凑型设备实现更高密度的电气互连。 Adopting a precision design, the volume is about 50% of the standard D-shaped connector, which can effectively save installation space and achieve higher density electrical interconnection for compact equipment. CAnS9 微D形连接器 CAnS9 Micro-D connector Socket Cable assemblies CAnS15 微D形连接器 CAnS15 Micro-D connector Socket Cable assemblies CAnS25 微D形连接器 CAnS25 Micro-D connector Socket Cable assemblies CAnS37 微D形连接器 CAnS37 Micro-D connector Socket Cable assemblies