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Download page
Wire to board Housing, 3mm, 4Circuits
Product System:
EU REACH Regulation: without REACH SVHC (1907/2006/EC)
EU RoHS Directive: in line with (2011/65/EU) requirements
EU ELV Directive: in compliance with the requirements of 2000/53/EC
The pictures are for reference only for installation methods, please refer to the specifications and drawings for details
stock: 0 Estimated delivery date {{product.leadDate}}

Immediate delivery is only the inventory quantity. If it exceeds the inventory quantity, you need to wait

MPQ: 1000
MOQ: 1000

When the purchase quantity is less than the inventory, you can purchase directly, and the minimum purchase quantity is 1

When the purchase quantity is greater than the inventory, you need to order; when ordering, the purchase quantity is: MOQ + N * MPQ

Unit Price: {{ isCn?'¥':'$'}}{{ isCn?product.price:product.usdPrice}}
Total prices: {{ isCn?'¥':'$'}}{{ isCn?product.subTotal:product.usdSubTotal}}
Lead time: In stock Estimated delivery date {{product.leadDate}}
The product is currently out of stock. You can leave a message on TXGA and customer service will call back according to your needs
Wire to board Housing, 3mm, 4Circuits
MPQ: 1000
MOQ: 1000

When the purchase quantity is less than the inventory, you can purchase directly, and the minimum purchase quantity is 1

When the purchase quantity is greater than the inventory, you need to order; when ordering, the purchase quantity is: MOQ + N * MPQ