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Two private enterprises blossom! The 2020 5G transcript is released,


With the continuous advancement of the informatization wave, China's informatization construction has developed rapidly and its scale has leapt to the forefront of the world, and has made great progress in quality and technology.

In 2020, the first year of global 5G, my country has built a total of 718,000 5G base stations and has the world's largest 5G network. New 5g applications such as remote precise control, machine vision inspection, and unmanned inspection have been gradually implemented. For civilian use, China’s cumulative shipments of 5G mobile phones in 2020 have reached 163 million, and China’s 5G package users have exceeded 200 million.

Whether for commercial or civilian use, the 5g era has arrived.


When it comes to those that are deeply affected by the 5G industry, you have to mention connectors.

Connectors, as the basic components for realizing informationization, account for about 3 to 5% of the value of communication equipment, and more than 10% of the value of some large-scale communication equipment.

Benefiting from the continuous expansion of investment in information construction, the construction of various communication network facilities and equipment (base stations, towers and antennas, star-link networks, etc.) such as 5G, Internet of Things, Industrial Internet, and Satellite Internet has brought massive demand for various connectors . Among them, the surge in demand for 5G board-to-board, USB TYPE-C, FPC and other related connectors brought about by the construction of 5G networks and base stations is the most obvious.

Due to the epidemic, foreign connectors cannot be shipped into China, and various domestic equipment manufacturers have gradually switched from importing connectors to purchasing domestic connectors. The acceleration of domestic substitution has brought more opportunities to domestic component manufacturers.

It can be seen that if connector companies want to swim in the blue ocean of the new infrastructure, they need to have sufficient foresight and adequate layout in the development strategy.


The reason why new infrastructure is called "new" is because it has a development path different from traditional infrastructure and a higher technical threshold.

Therefore, connector companies must not only follow the pace of 5G and predict the future direction of the connector in advance, but also realize that future products are mainly personalized. The demand for R&D customization will increase. Whether it is a material supplier or a connector manufacturer, it is necessary to carry out a service-oriented transformation, flexibly cooperate with customers, and gradually transform from a connector manufacturer to a connector solution provider to provide better products.


As the industry's leading provider of systematic connection solutions, TXGA is committed to providing extensively applicable connector products and technology-oriented customized services.

Serving high-tech industries such as 5G communication and medical equipment, we can provide effective one-stop solutions to help equipment manufacturers develop more innovative products and achieve next-generation technological innovation.

We choose to work with innovators in the "decisive" technological field to provide infinite possibilities for convenient and connected life.