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Detailed production steps of high voltage cable head

The high-voltage cable head is a component in the cable line, it is used to realize the connection of two cables and improve the electric field at the end of the two cables. TXGA high-voltage cable head, sensitive and small, stable performance, online purchase, one-piece shipping, support customization, and meet various technical standards. Enter [Product Center] to learn more.

Detailed production steps of high voltage cable head.

The first step: peel off the sheath. The sheath peeling process should be carried out in accordance with the corresponding instructions. Generally, it is the principle of the order of first outside and then inside.

Step 2: Weld the shielding layer ground wire. Remove the inner protective layer copper shielding layer oxide and apply solder. Divide the grounded flat copper wire into three strands and tie them tightly with the copper shielding layer, and handle the tied wire ends, and solder the wire ends with the copper shielding layer. The surface of the moisture-proof section of the outer sheath shall be sealed with sand skin to prevent water from penetrating into the cable head. When the shielding layer and the two grounding wires of the steel armor are required to be separated, the shielding layer grounding wire should be insulated.

The third step: copper shielding layer treatment, make a hue mark at the bifurcation of the cable core wire, correctly measure the cut position of the copper shielding layer and solder it with solder, and tie it with copper wire inside the cut, and tie it with copper tape. Make a shallow mark along the copper wire in the direction, slowly tear off the copper shielding tape and untie the copper wire in the direction where the copper tape is tied.

The fourth step: peel off the semi-conductive layer, generally 10mm away from the fracture of the copper tape is the semi-conductive layer fracture, the inside of the fracture is wrapped with a circle of tape for marking. Wipe off the dirt on the main insulation surface with a lint-free cloth or paper soaked with cleaning agent. When cleaning, it is only allowed to go from the insulation end to the semiconductor layer, and repeated rubbing is not allowed, so as not to bring semi-conductive materials to the surface of the main insulation layer.

Step 5: Install the semi-conducting tube. The distance between the three core wires and the bifurcation should be as equal as possible. Generally, it is required to be 50mm away from the branch glove. The semi-conducting tube should cover the copper tape not less than 20mm, and the outer semi-conductive layer has been reserved. 20mm, apply stress relief glue on both sides of the fracture of the semi-conductive layer (15mm long on the outer main insulating layer), and apply silicone grease on the main insulating surface. Pay attention to the heat shrinkage of the semi-conductive tube: the surface of the copper strip should not be loosened (the original solder must be welded firmly), and there is no air in the semi-conductive tube.

Step 6: Install branch gloves, wrap the inner insulating layer and steel armor with filler, apply sealant on the moisture-proof part of the finger mouth and outer protective layer, put the branch gloves carefully, (make the hue mark) heat shrink For branch gloves, shrink as little as possible in the middle of the cable branch (the branch gloves are most easily broken here), and the 4 ports coated with sealant should be tightened.

Step 7: Install insulating sleeves and terminal blocks: measure the fixed position of the cable and the required length of each phase lead, and saw off the excess lead. Measure the length of the crimped core wire of the terminal, peel off the main insulation layer according to the size, apply conductive paste or silicone grease on the core, and crimp the terminal. Remove the burrs at the crimping place, wrap the terminal and the main insulating layer with filler, cover the insulating heat shrinkable tube, apply sealant on the terminal, and cover the terminal with the last insulating heat shrinkable tube for insulation The upper tube must be pressed against the lower tube.