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What problems can floating connectors solve for you

The floating connector is a kind of electromechanical interconnection connector. Through a special fitting guide rail structure, the insulator is allowed to move within the effective floating range (±0.5 mm) and to be correctly fitted on the opposite side. In order to eliminate the misalignment phenomenon that occurs when the interface is installed on the PCB.

TXGA, a professional floating connector manufacturer, produces a variety of types of floating connector products, with sufficient inventory, fast delivery, support for customization, and one-stop purchase. Enter [Product Center] to learn more.

The use of floating connection solutions has the following advantages:

(1) Eliminate the misalignment of PCB assembly connectors

When assembling various components on the PCB, the alignment of all mounting positions must be ensured. The floating connector can eliminate tolerances and avoid misalignment through the floating design, thereby realizing efficient and automated PCB assembly.

(2) Accommodate multiple board-to-board connectors on a single PCB

When multiple connection points are required to connect the PCB, there is a tolerance between each interface of the common connector and the PCB, so it is difficult to accurately align. The floating board-to-board pair enables a better realization of the high-integration design of the PCB board, and more board-to-board connectors can be accommodated on a single PCB board.

(3) Elimination of dislocation during assembly

In the actual assembly process of the product, accuracy deviations are easily exposed. Accumulated tolerances can make product assembly impossible to align. With the help of floating connectors, this problem can be easily solved.

(4) Reduce the stress of the connector after installation

On non-floating connectors, even a small misalignment produces a small force, which will cause stress. As the stress accumulates for a long time, it may be transferred to the PCB and other connectors and solder joints, causing irreversible failure of the host. Floating connectors solve this problem by eliminating the structure that generates stress due to misalignment.

(5) Increase design flexibility

As the total number of components increases (taking into account misalignment and tolerances), the overall design becomes more challenging. Better tolerance management will also increase production costs. Floating connectors not only help reduce misalignment, but also increase the flexibility of the overall design solution.

TXGA supports one-stop customization services. You only need to provide the final application conditions, and you can customize research and development according to your needs to meet various complex application conditions. Professional engineering techniques and simulation software effectively avoid design errors, ensure product functions meet specifications, shorten development time, and reduce development costs.