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Usb connector use skills in extreme environments

When choosing a usb connector, there are many factors that need to be considered. Among them, environmental parameters are one of the most important factors, including temperature, humidity, and air pressure. Under different environmental conditions, the use of usb connectors is also different. Here are some tips for use in extreme environments.

1. Sudden temperature change environment

Humidity sudden change test is to simulate the actual use of the USB connector in a cold environment to a warm environment, or to simulate a sudden change in the ambient temperature of a spacecraft or probe. Sudden changes in temperature may cause cracks or delamination of insulating materials, so it is necessary to select connectors that have passed the rapid temperature change test.

2. Thin air environment

At high altitudes where the air is thin, the gas emitted from the plastic will contaminate the contact pair, and increase the tendency of corona to produce, reduce the pressure resistance, and induce short-circuit failure. When the altitude reaches a certain value, the performance of the plastic will deteriorate. Therefore, when using non-sealed connectors at high altitudes, they must be derated.

3. Corrosive environment

According to the use of the usb connector in different corrosive environments, the corresponding metal, plastic, and plating structure connectors are selected, like the connectors used in the salt spray environment, if there is no anti-corrosion metal surface, the performance will deteriorate rapidly. In an environment with a considerable concentration of SO2, it is not advisable to use silver-plated connectors. In hot flash areas, mold needs to be guarded against.

TXGA is a professional usb connector manufacturer, providing customers with precise and reliable USB products for 16 years, adapting to a variety of application environments. To buy a high-quality usb connector, click [Product Center] to place an order immediately.